Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In Honor of The Trayvon Martins

Our society is being defined by narratives, policies and actions from two sides of a spectrum - the God/People and the Guns/Corporation. The unseen but very palpable shift feels like the pendulum is swinging to the God/People. However, what is seen are the Guns/Corporation policies, narratives and actions.
To confuse the issue, many times the Guns/Corporation faction would infuse God even though for the most part they use Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (pbuh), morality etc. This confuses the People who foolishly or inadvertently give up their rights and, at times their lives in the belief they are upholding God's will. When, in fact, the People were duped into advancing the agenda of the Guns/Corporation.
If it is true that the Divine is not mocked, then what will be the consequences for the anti-People, disingenuous actions, narratives or policies?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Fractals Prove What We Already Know - We Are One

I am amazed by our manufactured dichotomies.  I use the word ‘manufactured’ with much respect because I do understand that many of us have deep convictions about our realities of ‘black vs. white’; ‘up and down’; ‘light and dark’; ‘female and male’; the list is endless.  Choose any form, any category and an opposite can be named.  Like the big-one, the age-old debate and violence surrounding belief systems i.e. the intangible aspects of our lives -religion, spirituality vs. science, reality – the tangibles.

Being a card-carrying member of the One-ness or All-ness Tribe, I get befuddled by the debates, not to mention the violence based on this perception of differences.  But over the years as the debates rage and views are violently defended, I could hear my soul say, “It’s all One.”  This reassurance resulted in me retreating and not sharing my Nobel Prize winning intuition. (I have come to know that there is a thin line between what passes for genius and what can be determined as insanity).  Well, until now that is.  I am willing to share my thoughts because I have the full support of science. Come; let us pause on this idea.

Recently, I stumbled on the PBS show, Nova. (Sadly, our Governor has decided that public funds should not be spent on public broadcasting. Oh, I digressed.)  I struggled with my science classes in high school and had to drop Biology in college.  If there is redemption for me and science I did earn A’s in my college Physics classes.  Yet, this does not a scientist maketh of me  and I generally stay away from science and its form of reality.  Can you imagine how startled I was when I ended my surf, put down the remote and was overpowered by the presentation on Fractal Geometry?

Warning if you have never heard of this, please conduct your own research. I was so taken in by the concept that I hurried to Google for further information.  I learned that in its current scientific form, fractal mathematics has been around since the seventeenth century.  However, some experts note that the concept predates that period by pointing to African art, textile, sculpture, hair style and architecture as evidence.

Fractal Image
At its core fractal is a fragmented geometric shape that when split into parts each is just a reduced replica of the whole.  Almost like scooping a cup of water from the ocean.  The water in the cup has the same properties as the ocean – just a smaller version.

Fractals are classified in three groups. A) Exact self-similarity (ESS), the strongest type, closely resembling the whole or the parent. B) Quasi self-similarity (QSS), the middle order type being a tad weaker than ESS.  Then there is C) statistical self-similarity (SSS), the weakest form of fractals – the similarities are there but not as evident as ESS or QSS.

I was feasting on this fascinatingly delicious information when my big bang occurred. “Faith and science are on the same track.”  Thanks to fractal studies.  Remember my analogy using the ocean?  Take this a step further; if we are created by God, then we are God’s fractals!  Genius, wouldn’t you say?  Well, choose what you may.  Some of us are exact self-similarities like the great Way Show-ers – Yeshua, Mohammed, Rumi, Baha’u’llah, Buddha, Krishna, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Joan of Arc, and many others.

There are those of us who behave as quasi self-similarities.  We run the gamut of those who are almost ESS to those who are SSS prints. Some of us practice the tenets of our faith and treat others with love and respect.  At times too, we recite the creeds while intentionally harming others, especially those we view as different.  Then there are the real statistical self-similarities.  We can describe our version of the seemingly un-Godly acts such individuals, whether members of our own families, communities or world, have committed. A ranking in this category means that we have forgotten who we are.  We have forgotten the traits of our Creator and we act outside of our nature, outside our truth.

So, there!  This new branch of science, even though Africans had modeled its use hundreds of years before, is another tool that proves there are only the Whole and its mini-wholes.  How can I say the cup of water I took from the ocean is different from the ocean?  What or who we see differs only by degrees or along its spectrum.  Again using water, the temperature ranges from cold to hot.  It is still water just a variance in temperature.    So it is with humans.  Any difference we conjure up about each other is simply a mirage.  It is not real.   

African textile
The idea that the parts are just mini-wholes blends perfectly with the declaration of Truth “My Creator/Father and I are one.”  We can now end the debates and study war no more.  The rich and poor are alike.  The saint and mass murderer are comparable.  It was Mother Teresa who told us that we all have a bit of Hitler in us.  She was right.

Each person looking at us is our self.  Now it totally makes sense.  Remember the teachings of the sages when they commanded us to love others as we love ourselves.  Since we have ventured in the world of science, let me take some liberties and formulize this concept: Love Self = Love Others.  Mathematically, Love cancels itself so we are left with Self = Others or Others = Self.  The Upanishads remind us: “Who sees all beings in his own Self and his own Self in all beings, loses fear.” 

Can we now move forward knowing that this is true - what we do to others is in fact what we do to ourselves because we are in fact One ? It is proven at both ends of the  faith and science pole.

Thanks for taking a Precious Pause.  Share your thoughts and next time bring a friend.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Just So You Know: There is Healing Ahead!

In the book of Genesis, we are introduced to a man named Lot.  We are told that angels warned him to take his family and flee because the city in which they lived will be destroyed.  The story goes on to say that as the family left “…Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.”
Let’s fast forward to our 21st Century lifestyle.  Did you just read the above paragraph and wondered why Mrs. Lot look back?  Here it is she was warned to get away.  She was being guided to safety so “why would she look back?” we wonder.  Actually, the answer lies within all of us.  It is in our unwillingness to let go.  It is in our reluctance to let go of fear, anger, pain, the people or events that are unhealthy for us – our energy- drainers.  It is in our lack of faith that our future can be even brighter than our past.
We hold on to physical stuff as well - in the attic, basement, garage, shed and the closets.  In many instances we have long forgotten what the stuff is.  Unfortunately, that is not the case with the mental storage that holds our hurt and resentment of 2 days ago or was it 30 years ago?  We hold on to relationships that died a year ago or maybe 60 years ago.  We hold on to toxic beliefs and situations and each time we look back on them a bit of us becomes a pillar of salt.  We feel the dis-ease physically, mentally, emotionally maybe even financially.  Like the time when I experienced back-to-back betrayals and pined for so long over ‘How could they?’ that I contributed to my financial meltdown.
Eckhart Tolle says, “…almost everyone carries in his or her energy field an accumulation of old emotional pain.”  He calls this ‘the pain-body.’  Some of us will say “Of course!  I remember the story of my grand-pa being lynched.”  Maybe it is the memory of a tribal war and you are the only one to survive the massacre because you were covered by your mother’s dead body.  Or maybe it is being haunted by the gang-rape you endured as a child, or not being loved the way you wanted to.
Whatever it is that got stored in the attic of our memory, 'it' has now seeped into: our bodies; our lives; the way we relate with ourselves as well as with each other and it is causing us pain. It is this reason why it is critical for us to have the desire to heal.  In spite of the horrendous experiences, the good news is – we do not have to look back, we can affirm that there is healing ahead.  But first, we must have the desire to heal.  This happens as a result of us being willing to let go of the past and being able to create thoughts of a future overflowing with our most loving dreams.

Let us welcome each moment with its potential to heal.  Take this time to notice your breathing – the inhalation and the exhalation. See how the body does it naturally?  In comes the oxygen we need, out goes the carbon dioxide we do not need.  Inhale.  Exhale.  Try this, as you inhale, create the vision in your mind of the future you desire.  Exhale and forgive the past.  Inhale - dream of a future that frees you from the pain.  Exhale – become willing to untangle from the past.  Don’t look back.  Healing is waiting ahead. Begin now.  Our guides (spiritual and human angels) are waiting to take us to safety.
Thanks for taking a Precious Pause.  Next time bring a friend.

Disconnecting From Our 'Events'; Reconnecting With Our Dreams/Opportunities

Welcome.  My name is Opal Murray.  Shortly after my birth an intuitive elder added another name: Precious.  You have taken the time to Pause with me on this our platform where we "Explore who We are; why We are; whose We are and Encourage Us to Be."  Again, welcome to Precious Pause!

For years family and friends, most notable Shelley, would suggest I write a blog.  Shelley and others would make a very convincing case why I should add my voice to our growth using this medium and I must say in the moment, I found the prospect appealing.  However, as the seconds turned into weeks the idea lost its appeal and the idea was entombed.  It would be cuddled by the fears that destroyed so many other dreams and hopes.

Yet, here we are participating in Precious Pause.  Interestingly, it was my own self-exploration and self-motivation exercises that brought me here.  In particular, seeking an answer to my question: "Why is it that so many of my actions have outcomes that  ranged from unpleasant to painful?"

A simple question and I found some answers.  But more importantly,  I became curious.  I wanted to know whether I am alone in this quest.  I think not.  So, the buried seeds of suggestions past were watered and have now germinated in this beautiful form!

How many times have you rejected, ignored, or delayed an idea? A thought?  Once is too many, and I know this!  Sometimes we intentionally ignore what is good for us - like choosing not to eat nutritious foods.  Many times, though, the choice is unintentional.  We chose when we weren't conscious, weren't aware, we had scales on our eyes and could not understand or see the blessings, gifts, or fortunes embedded in our rejects.

In the Christian tradition The Road to Emmaus, an Easter story, highlights this level of unconsciousness.  The story introduces us to two men walking to Emmaus from Jerusalem while marveling about, debating, grappling with the events of the past few days i.e. Jesus' crucifixion.  They were so caught up in their conversation, emotions, themselves - the 'events' that they were unaware of the Presence in their midst.  Eventually they did and the third party asked them about the 'events.' 

Can you imagine the look of disbelief.  Here they were less than seven miles from the 'events' epicenter.  Yes there were no CNNs but local gossip was in full gear so 'everyone' knew about the 'events'.  Perhaps they were merely annoyed by the intrusion.  Anyway, without noticing the irony, their response was, "Where have you been?"  I think one said, "Have you been under a rock?" The other chimed in, "You just came from another world, didn't you?"  When they got to their destination they invited to their guest to join them at dinner, and it was in the stillness of that activity the writer says: "...their eyes were opened and they recognized him." - Luke 24:31.
It took some time but eventually the connection was made.  The Presence, source of their annoyance (possible), was the actual star of the 'events' which they discussed so intently (it appeared), was in their midst and initially, they totally missed the significance.

We do miss our joy, gifts or blessings because we get distracted by any number of 'events'.  There are times we become immobilized by our events - unemployment, divorce, death etc. and we cannot recognize the windows of opportunity in our midst.  Then there are those of us who are aware of the opportunities but erroneously believe we are not worthy of these gifts and refuse to enter our new paradise.

Let us step aside for a moment, let us get off the roads, highways - the busy-ness, get ourselves out of the way and enter our inner sanctuary so that we can experience what is true and recognize divinity.  Enter this beautiful space and open to the magical journey of self-discovery; of new beginnings; of dreams realized.

Less than twenty years ago a single-mother, welfare-recipient was in a cafe when ideas flooded her mind.  She used the napkins to record her thoughts.  Today, the Harry Potter brand is worth $15 billion - yes, with a B!  J K Rowling stepped off her highway, disconnected from her 'events' and recognized or connected with her opportunity.

Let us take the time to open our eyes and see what was there all along - our dreams, the suggestion that are walking with us, that are in our midst.  Notice how we become emboldened and feel our Preciousness being affirmed.  Yes, you too are Precious.

Thanks for taking this Precious Pause.  Next time, bring a friend.